After a long winter, most of us look forward to the warm weather and rich green colors that come with spring. But for people with allergies, spring brings on its own problems, especially when pollen counts are high. While it’s not realistic to avoid pollen altogether, you can minimize the issues it can cause.
Know Your Pollen Count
The first thing you need to know when dealing with pollen is how much is actually in the air. You can figure this out by going to the National Allergy Bureau’s (NAB) website and clicking on your closest area.
If you don’t know what you’re allergic to, your allergist should be able to inform you. If you already know what sets off your allergies, you’ll be able to view the four main allergy-causing substances: tree pollen, weeds, grass, and mold on the NAB website.
If weeds are your biggest troublemakers, The Other Side Lawn Service can help you out with that.
What to Do When Pollen Counts are High
While it may be tempting to go outside when the weather is nice, the best thing to do when pollen counts are high is to stay indoors. Be sure to shut your doors and windows and use the air conditioner to filter the air.
Plan Outdoor Time Accordingly
If you’re wanting to plan some outdoor time, make sure to keep a close eye on the pollen count. Keep in mind that most plants pollinate between 5am to 9am. So, if you’re out and about during this time, know that pollen can collect in your hair, on your face, and in your clothes. Pollen is also more present in the air when it’s windy.
Pollen can also collect on your pet animals. So, if you have a dog that spends a lot of time outside, you may want to bring them in when there’s a high pollen count.
How to Protect Yourself from Pollen When Outside
If you have to go outside during times of high pollen, it’s a good idea to wear a mask. This will hopefully filter most of the pollen out of the air before you breathe it in. Also, if you take allergy medicine, you should take it before going outside.
Keep Pollen out of Your Home
Once your back at home after spending time outside, you’d be wise to change your clothes and take a quick shower. This will keep you from spreading pollen throughout your home. Be sure to rinse out your hair as well.
Use Medication if You Need It
For those days that you’re constantly sniffling and your eyes won’t stop itching, feel free to take some over-the-counter or prescription allergy medication. Be sure to check with your allergist to find out what medication you should take.
Take an Allergy Vacation
If you can afford to take the time off, think about traveling to someplace where there’s less pollen. It’s a great way to get some relief.