What We Do With Shrubs in Winter
Shrubs and other woody plants native to your area will fare fine during winter’s typical cold days and nights. Native, healthy shrubs will go into dormancy according to natural triggers and will get through a routine winter without needing much help from you. However,...

Moles in The Lawn!
Have you been noticing a larger population of moles in your lawn? We are also receiving several calls from our customers wanting to know what can be done to help. We do offer treatment for a Mole deterrent in the turf. This is not a quick fix, what we offer is an...

How To Spot Fungus In Your Yard
Imagine, you have been working on your lawn for awhile now and it is starting to look perfect. But then, a brown spot appears on your lawn. At first, you think that you need to just water your lawn more. But, that does nothing and it continues to get worse. Your lawn...

Ants Vs. Fire Ants
Notice some ant hills in your yard or just an abundance of ants roaming near your home? Be careful, because those can either be Fire Ants or could be just regular ants. In this article, we will discuss the main differences between these two creatures so that you will...

Army Worms Vs. Caterpillars
Do you see a small creature in your grass area and think it's just a caterpillar? Well, you could be wrong. It could be an armyworm, which is terrible for your lawn. This article will explain the differences between the two so that you can decide your next lawn care...

How to Use Less Water on Your Grass During the Hottest Months
Let's Save Some Water! Most homeowners want to strike a balance between having an attractive, green lawn in the summertime and not wasting water on grass. To do this, it’s important to understand how to conserve water and still get your lawn the water it needs. Summer...

Flower Bed Care Tips
For those of us non-green thumbs, gardening can be a daunting undertaking. Every year we peer over at the neighbor's beautiful hydrangeas and we can’t help but yearn for our yards to reflect the same glorious blossom. So what do we do? We promise this year is going to...

Fescue Vs. Bermuda
“I’d rather sit and watch the grass grow…” While most people use that expression as an excuse to get out of an unfavorable situation; let’s take a moment and actually consider something. Unless you’re really into lawn care, most people don’t really consider what type...

Why and How to Winterize Your Lawn
Keeping your lawn gorgeous through the cooler months is the goal every year, and it can be attained by winterizing your lawn. The cold is hell on your grass, but by following a few simple-yet-effective steps, you can have the lush, hearty green turf by the time the...

Aerating, Overseeding, and Fertilizing
Keeping your yard beautiful is a year-round task, with lawn care chores changing as often as the seasons. Fall is finally here, so don't miss your chance to optimize your lawn's potential with aerating, fertilizing, and overseeding. Overseeding is the process of...